Hello peoplee~ I hope everyone's having a blast during these last three weeks of our semester break becaushee all of ushh knoww thaat you knoww...sleeping late, and getting up late...wont happen everytime new semester starts. So yeaahh~ spend ur holidayss SLEEPING AS MUCH AS POSSHIBLE AITE!
Today...well tonight...not exactly night...last night...i went through a major emotional breakdown. Not break dance, breaking dawn or berak daun okay. "BreakDOWN". So i cried because i was very upset of some things. Soooo...again...i cried to my parents and my best-friend, Dilah. Hehe...After long hours of non-stop crying...finally i feel...oh-so-relieve! Thank you so much Mummy, Daddy & Dilah. Thank you for listening to me, giving me advices and to always be there when i need you guys the most.
To me,
is not that its hard to explain. hmm.. Ofcourse, i cry...i love crying...
-i cry when i watch sad dramas n movies
-i cried when my parents scolded me
-i'd cry when i read sad things in newspapers or nythg tht touches my heart
-i cried when my cat died
-i cried when something was misunderstood between me and my best-friend
-i always cry when i laugh to my max..
SOOO....basically i cry a lot...
But just so reason to cry last night...was not the usual reason i cry everyday..
And i intended not to cry about it. Because i think its kinda absurd to cry abt it...but i cudn't take it anymore. I felt so depressed like my whole world ws squashed up! So when i was seeking for advice from my sisterly-bestfriend who seems to be soooooo good when it comes to comforting my heart tho she's sumhow kinda lack of experiences....but i must admit. She's really good at giving advices. Haha *and i bet dye tgh kembang if she reads this...LOL anyway...she's so good that she manage to make me open up to her until i actually...cried...I cried with all my heart. Because all of those heavy burdens i have been carrying for months drown along with my heavy tears. I was so sad and scared and my best friend pandai tukar topic ckp pasal IKAN BUNTAL la tetibe, pasal lembu, BAHU, hahahahaaa....and AND yg paling xbley belah dye tukar topic ajak puasa esok hari...puase sunat rejab...TAPI x ingat nak niat mcmne klu nk ganti ngn puasa skali. Hahahahahaaa....drpd nada sedih hati pasrah tetibe dye bawa bende yg series-slash-casual...hahahahaaha.gosh~ lawak laaa kaw dila~ hilang terus rase sedih ^_^
Jadi akhirnyaa...saya berjaya juga melepaskan ape yang dipendam...Thanks to my FAMILY...both blood related and non-blood related...
Diary of a Rose
Monday, May 21, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Nautilus to Wrapitilus
This amazingly cute creature looks very historically artificial aitee? It looks like something you can see in a museum filled with Dinosours. But in actual fact, it is still ALIVE & KICKIN'! I've seen this creatures swimming in an aquarium before and i have to tell you, it does not look real at all. But oh well, i have to say that the patterns on its sea shells are uniquely beautiful indeed.
And suprisingly my friend have ths shawl that i loike with the
similar patterns that were found on the nautilus.
Meet my friend, Farah=)
Goofing around..LOL
Okay...enuf of self-indulges for now, hv to get back to work...=(
Assalamualaikum to all of the beautiful people out there,
I know it has been sooooooo LONNG since i last update this blog. I even planned on deleting it. But can't seem to have the right time for that. Tup tap tup tap..Second semester is over. Now im on semester break and i have 1 more month of lazy days of doing nothing. TEHEE...i wish you all well and have a splendid holiday ya'll...=D
I know it has been sooooooo LONNG since i last update this blog. I even planned on deleting it. But can't seem to have the right time for that. Tup tap tup tap..Second semester is over. Now im on semester break and i have 1 more month of lazy days of doing nothing. TEHEE...i wish you all well and have a splendid holiday ya'll...=D
Monday, November 7, 2011
Summary of my 1st sem.
So life was kinda hard to adapt at first, but eventually i get myself used to it. It went really fast. Tup tap tup tap, in two more weeks i'll be starting my 2nd sem.
My 1st sem was okay. Eventhough im only doing Arts and Design, doesnt mean our course is less harder. It is equally hard. If you want to compare between the amount of assignments that we get from our lecturers and students from other courses like BM and ACC, ours are more! And im not lying. In Art and Design, the lecturers wont care or give you extra credit if ur natarully artisitic and talented if you are not capable of creating something that has strong quality and commitment. So thats where the scary part begins. Like normal courses you can so called COPY ur friends homework and even HELP each other. But not in Art and Design. This is because each of our lecturers are so sharp that they can tell between your drawings and artwork through your own significant strokes and capability which you can never lie or hide from them. Scarryy right...I was so scared that i have goosebumps with some of my lecturers. But i respect the fact that they are like that. It trains us to work harder. The entire time when i was in Sem1, there's not one night that i sleep early, the earliest would be at least around 12am...Because i would normally sleep at 3am or 4am, busy trying to finish my work.
And syukur-Alhamdulillah, after all of those hardworks, i manage to get into the Dean's List! Its not 4 flat but its near tho and Insyallah, im gonna work harder and maintain to get Dean's List every semester. Insyallah. I feel so happy and grateful. Finally i know how it feels to have your parents to be proud of you. Its the most remarkable feeling, so hard to explain as it will always bring tears to my eyes. =')
Alhamdulillah, i feel very grateful to Allah for giving me strength to strive. And i also want to thank my beloved parents for they have always allow me to do what i always wanted and my dearest boyfriend, for giving me support through out the entire journey.
And there's nothing more than i could have asked for a better gift than kisses from my family and a teaspoon of honey.
And also not to forget, my dearest boyfriend's mummy who congratulated me and even told his aunty about my achievement because she's very proud of me. Hhihi...
Sigh...What a moment, insyallah i will continue to achieve loads of things in life. Getting a DL is not really the 1st achievement to me. My 1st big achievement would probably be when i got accepted into my university as their 1st intake. My 2nd big achievement is my Dean's List. And Insyallah, with Allah's help and mercy, i will continue to achieve more Dean's Lists and other big achievements aswell. Amin=)
My hardworks are for my parents. It is for them to draw a huge smile to shine my life.
My 1st sem was okay. Eventhough im only doing Arts and Design, doesnt mean our course is less harder. It is equally hard. If you want to compare between the amount of assignments that we get from our lecturers and students from other courses like BM and ACC, ours are more! And im not lying. In Art and Design, the lecturers wont care or give you extra credit if ur natarully artisitic and talented if you are not capable of creating something that has strong quality and commitment. So thats where the scary part begins. Like normal courses you can so called COPY ur friends homework and even HELP each other. But not in Art and Design. This is because each of our lecturers are so sharp that they can tell between your drawings and artwork through your own significant strokes and capability which you can never lie or hide from them. Scarryy right...I was so scared that i have goosebumps with some of my lecturers. But i respect the fact that they are like that. It trains us to work harder. The entire time when i was in Sem1, there's not one night that i sleep early, the earliest would be at least around 12am...Because i would normally sleep at 3am or 4am, busy trying to finish my work.
And syukur-Alhamdulillah, after all of those hardworks, i manage to get into the Dean's List! Its not 4 flat but its near tho and Insyallah, im gonna work harder and maintain to get Dean's List every semester. Insyallah. I feel so happy and grateful. Finally i know how it feels to have your parents to be proud of you. Its the most remarkable feeling, so hard to explain as it will always bring tears to my eyes. =')
Alhamdulillah, i feel very grateful to Allah for giving me strength to strive. And i also want to thank my beloved parents for they have always allow me to do what i always wanted and my dearest boyfriend, for giving me support through out the entire journey.
And there's nothing more than i could have asked for a better gift than kisses from my family and a teaspoon of honey.
And also not to forget, my dearest boyfriend's mummy who congratulated me and even told his aunty about my achievement because she's very proud of me. Hhihi...
Sigh...What a moment, insyallah i will continue to achieve loads of things in life. Getting a DL is not really the 1st achievement to me. My 1st big achievement would probably be when i got accepted into my university as their 1st intake. My 2nd big achievement is my Dean's List. And Insyallah, with Allah's help and mercy, i will continue to achieve more Dean's Lists and other big achievements aswell. Amin=)
My hardworks are for my parents. It is for them to draw a huge smile to shine my life.
New leaf.

Hi everybody,
I know its been a really long time since i last updated my blog. For those who used to keep up with my blog, sorry for disappoint you because if you realized, i have deleted all of my old posts. Blogs posted since i was a highschool student until the end. I just think i needed to let go of my dark past and start new. So im turning over a new leaf. No more thinking bad or talking bad about others because by that way i can feel the true meaning of a better and beautiful life. And thinking positive is my new drug. Wish me luck.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Just Want You To Know-Backstreet Boys
Yo wassup all! Well i got not much to say in this blog. Kind of lazy and all. My everydays are going on as fine as it is. Somehow better. LOL Anyway im here to share this song when i watch one of joe jonas stupid vids in youtube.This is a song by Backstreet Boys. Its not really popular and i dont know why but i dont rally care anyway because its really nice. Like always i like the lyrics.
This is the video when I first heard of this song. My God, say wtv fuck words u wanna say but Joe looks really sexy when he suddenly "jeling" to the webcam n sang...LOL...he's pretty! Okay fuck off...mind your own business; in my opinion he IS pretty. haha....gosh! Im blushing...>.<
And down here is the full-vid of the song=)
This is the video when I first heard of this song. My God, say wtv fuck words u wanna say but Joe looks really sexy when he suddenly "jeling" to the webcam n sang...LOL...he's pretty! Okay fuck off...mind your own business; in my opinion he IS pretty. haha....gosh! Im blushing...>.<
And down here is the full-vid of the song=)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
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